
Telstra VoIP modem

I need a VoIP system for my grandmother that doesn’t cut-in and out. Currently I have a Cisco VoIP adaptor behind a Telstra Smart Modem Gen 2 (DJA0231). The problem that is happening is the phone is not clear and garbled, sometimes not being able to connect to the SIP server. I have theory that the modem is causing the connection problems, but I don’t necessarily want to replace the Telstra modem as it has 4G backup for DSL and voice. It also has VoIP, but being a Telstra branded modem, it is all locked down.

I found this site for enabling the locked down features. I didn’t want to start hacking her modem so I found one close to me, but when I arrived it was the right box, but the wrong modem inside. So I tried again, but this time I got what I bought was the right modem, but found out there are 2 manufacturers of these modems, Technicolor (DJA0231) and Arcadyan (LH1000)

As I couldn’t unlock this one I bought too easily I thought I would pull it apart and have a look.

LH1000 internals
LH1000 internals

I had 9 antennas, 2 for DECT, 2 for mobile, and the other 5 for WiFi.

LH1000 internals
Quectel EG06-AUTL

I did find an interesting LTE module that had 400Mbps download speed, GPS and windows USB drivers

After this, I’ll probably just try to unlock he original modem and try not to brick it.

By David Dobson

I try not to let my age dictate how old I act

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