I need a VoIP system for my grandmother that doesn’t cut-in and out. Currently I have a Cisco VoIP adaptor behind a Telstra Smart Modem Gen 2 (DJA0231). The problem that is happening is the phone is not clear and garbled, sometimes not being able to connect to the SIP server. I have theory that the modem is causing the connection problems, but I don’t necessarily want to replace the Telstra modem as it has 4G backup for DSL and voice. It also has VoIP, but being a Telstra branded modem, it is all locked down.
I found this site for enabling the locked down features. https://hack-technicolor.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ I didn’t want to start hacking her modem so I found one close to me, but when I arrived it was the right box, but the wrong modem inside. So I tried again, but this time I got what I bought was the right modem, but found out there are 2 manufacturers of these modems, Technicolor (DJA0231) and Arcadyan (LH1000) https://github.com/kevdagoat/hack-technicolor/issues/83
As I couldn’t unlock this one I bought too easily I thought I would pull it apart and have a look.
I had 9 antennas, 2 for DECT, 2 for mobile, and the other 5 for WiFi.
I did find an interesting LTE module that had 400Mbps download speed, GPS and windows USB drivers https://www.quectel.com/product/EG06.htm https://www.quectel.com/UploadFile/Product/Quectel_EG06_LTE-A_Specification_V1.7.pdf
After this, I’ll probably just try to unlock he original modem and try not to brick it.